Journeys and Analog Voyage

Continuing the best of our solo works from the archives with two FREE releases: Journeys and Analog Voyage by Xrei. Enjoy.



by Xrei / Listen / Download /

Nine-track album continuing on from Trachx and exploring some slower parts of the cosmos, coasting through the bright warm sun while playing in its cold shadows.

Next in a trilogy of releases produced during 2013 - 2016 experimenting with new synths, software and composition that lead directly into the resurgence of aphasein in recent years.


Analog Voyage

by Xrei / Listen / Download /

21-track album improvised live during a single late night session in mid-December 2013, featuring a Micro-Korg and the M-Audio Venom. Sharing a similar tone and feel with the series’ first album, with shades of early Autechre and Aphex Twin running through its ambient echoing electro and late-night naïve analog melodies, especially of Selected Ambient Works 1, Analog Bubblebath 3, and I Care Because You Do.

From a trilogy of sessions that all produced the same number and kind of tracks, alternating longer tracks with short vignettes (similar to many Plaid and Boards of Canada releases).

Xrei, archive releaseAphasein