Journeys and Analog Voyage
Continuing the best of our solo works from the archives with two FREE releases: Journeys and Analog Voyage by Xrei. Enjoy.
Nine-track album continuing on from Trachx and exploring some slower parts of the cosmos, coasting through the bright warm sun while playing in its cold shadows.
Next in a trilogy of releases produced during 2013 - 2016 experimenting with new synths, software and composition that lead directly into the resurgence of aphasein in recent years.
Analog Voyage
21-track album improvised live during a single late night session in mid-December 2013, featuring a Micro-Korg and the M-Audio Venom. Sharing a similar tone and feel with the series’ first album, with shades of early Autechre and Aphex Twin running through its ambient echoing electro and late-night naïve analog melodies, especially of Selected Ambient Works 1, Analog Bubblebath 3, and I Care Because You Do.
From a trilogy of sessions that all produced the same number and kind of tracks, alternating longer tracks with short vignettes (similar to many Plaid and Boards of Canada releases).