Mewzich and Synth Oddyssey
Completing the solo works for Xrei of the best from the archives with two FREE releases: Mewzich and Synth Oddyssey. Enjoy.
Sixteen-track double-album. Dive into the cosmic soup at increasing speed, starlight dripping from the hull in shimmering iridescence, as the clockwork rhythms shift gears and skitter off the spheres. The layers deepen and new forms rise before us, revealing hitherto unknown complexity. Or at least it feels that way.
Final in a trilogy of releases produced during 2013 - 2016 experimenting with new synths, software and composition that lead directly into the resurgence of aphasein in recent years.
Synth Oddyssey
21-track album improvised live during a single late night session in late November 2013, featuring a Novation UltraNova and the M-Audio Venom. Continuing with the space-music themes and along with the other two albums, nodding to both Tangerine Dream and Vangelis along the way, all tweaking and effects improvised live on first take.
From a trilogy of sessions that all produced the same number and kind of tracks, alternating longer tracks with short vignettes (similar to many Plaid and Boards of Canada releases).